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Laser-focused on Digital Workflows in the Era of Pharma 4.0

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Mike Baird
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Pharma 4.0 is changing the landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, with a similar quiet revolution also taking place in proofreading through automation and transparency. This is illustrated by the enhancements in the new Version 10.2 of TVT®.

In 2013, a working group presented its final report on Industry 4.0 at the renowned Hannover Messe trade fair in Germany: Industry 4.0 was formally born. Often used interchangeably with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), Industry 4.0 describes smart manufacturing trends with features such as the use of advanced sensors, greater automation (especially through the IIOT) and real-time monitoring, communication and analysis in the manufacturing process. The IIOT supports this through various communication technologies.

Based on the principles of Industry 4.0, pharmaceutical companies are at various stages of implementing their own unique version known as Pharma 4.0. Its key elements relate to technologies and processes in manufacturing as well as connecting processes right across the workflow, from drug targeting in laboratories through to supply chain and marketing.

Pharma 4.0 and automated proofreading

Pharma 4.0 is ultimately about people: becoming more productive and drawing on smart technologies to perform both manufacturing and non-manufacturing tasks more easily, more accurately and more efficiently, with the ultimate aim of providing a compliant good or service that meets the precise needs of the end-customer.

In this sense, the digitization of proofreading is an integral part of Pharma 4.0 and the IIOT environment.

Digital Workflows in the Era of Pharma 4.0

As elsewhere in the industry, we are finding a higher degree of automation and process integration in the proofreading environment. Digital automated approaches also give more insight into our workflows and the way each process and step within our workflows fits into and works with the other. Traceability is provided by annotated reports and a fully compliant audit trail. Automation and transparency are the fundamental principles of TVT, the Text Verification Tool® from Schlafender Hase.

Since its launch in 2004, the ongoing release of new TVT versions has led to major enhancements in many different aspects of the software, as well as a broadening of the scope of what the software can do with the launch of modules such as TVT Artwork, TVT Spelling and, in particular, with the release of TVT Connect in late 2020.

TVT Connect: Managing the complete workflow

TVT Connect is an excellent example as it is a strident step in the direction of a holistic approach in the spirit of Pharma 4.0. It allows users to connect TVT with any information management system. In day-to-day proofreading tasks, this means users can now integrate automated proofreading into their own complete workflow management systems, whether it is for artwork management, content management, laboratory information management or any other management system.

TVT 10.2: The next step in digitizing workflows

With the release of TVT Version 10.2, not only has TVT received lots of enhancements to improve the overall user experience, it has also laid the groundwork for the optional TVT Barcode module – the release of which is upcoming. This allows users to detect, decode, compare and grade many different industry relevant codes at an extremely high level of accuracy. But above all, TVT 10.2 is an important step in supporting our customers on their journey of digital transformation and integrated digital workflows.

So what’s specifically new in TVT with release of the TVT version 10.2? First up, the enhancements and optimizations brought to users by Version 10.2 are the result of a feedback loop with customers and testers. TVT Beta Testers have run the new version through its paces and given lots of useful feedback to augment the information received on an almost daily basis from our customers. Users are driving the further development of TVT and its features.

What is new with TVT Version 10.2

Mike Baird, Director of Product Management at Schlafender Hase, sums up the key changes: “Beyond Barcode, we have made upwards of 100 improvements to the core TVT product as well as to its other associated modules in terms of TVT Spelling and TVT Artwork. Many are obvious in the user interface and are designed to directly improve the entire user experience.” Delivery of results will also be faster and even more accurate.

Here are some of the enhancements current users will find:

  • Detection, decoding, comparing, and grading of many different industry relevant barcodes with the TVT Barcode module (optional)

  • More workspace with the possibility of directly maximizing each document window

  • New PDF auto-rotate feature in the Cartons Project Setting

  • Horizontal scrolling within the Document Windows

  • Multiple enhancements and improvements to:

  • The Critical Word Lists feature

  • The Exclusion Areas and Exclusion Word Lists features

  • The Image Comparison functionality

  • Decimal Braille number recognition and decoding

Other enhancements include the addition of 12 new languages and the newest version of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary to TVT Spelling.

How the release of TVT 10.2 affects current users

Current TVT users have the option to upgrade to TVT Version 10.2 and immediately benefit from the enhancements.

“As organizations transform and head towards digital maturity, systems are becoming more connected, and the development of TVT illustrates this well. TVT is laser-focused on the digital environment, and that’s where our focus at Schlafender Hase will continue to be going forward.”

— Mike Baird

Learn more about TVT and the Modules:

Do you want to find out more about how your proofreading life can be easier? Get in touch and we’ll tell you all about it.

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Mike Baird

Director of Product Management, Schlafender Hase

Mike is the Director of Product Management for Schlafender Hase.

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