Artwork Comparison Tool for Regulated Industries
TVT Artwork automatically finds deviations in your graphical content that can be easily overlooked during a visual comparison.
Who uses TVT Artwork?
Anyone involved with the creation, revision and approval of graphical content, from designers, creators, proofreaders and printers.
Why do you need TVT Artwork?
Say goodbye to visual comparisons!
Automatically detects differences in graphical content, regardless of file format or layout
Effortlessly review very large artwork files without size restrictions
Detect color variation between artwork versions
Built-in layer, spot color and overprint preview support to ensure accurate graphical content
TVT Artwork is Easy to Use!
Catch Errors Before The Market Does
Discover how a Pharma artwork service provider achieved 100% quality assurance and doubled their productivity
TVT Artwork Features
Check all your graphical content, including cartons, labels, vectorized & rasterized documents etc.
Choose which spot colors and layers to check in your document.
Effortlessly compare your graphical files. Automate the detection process, let TVT find the deviations for you.
Visualize the result of overprinting in your PDFs.
Automatically aligning image pairs, saving you time and ensuring consistent accuracy.
Detect color differences between artwork versions.
Ensures higher accuracy when reviewing graphical elements.
Focus on crucial elements of your artwork that require attention.
Expand the core TVT software solution with the add-on modules
The software solution, TVT, the Text Verification Tool, and its modules automatically verify text, spelling, artwork and barcodes.
The core TVT software solution finds changes between your original document and revisions at any stage of your workflow.
With 48 dictionaries, including Arabic, Hebrew and Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, TVT Spelling can check multilingual documents whether your team speaks the language or not.
Automatically find deviations in your artwork files that can be easily overlooked during a visual comparison with TVT Artwork.
Easily detect, decode, compare and grade digital barcodes with TVT Barcode, ensuring accuracy before you go to print.
What Our Customers Are Saying
“The deployment of TVT has really helped speed up our artwork review process. Catching deviations early in the process reduces the number of correction rounds needed. This makes the whole process faster and smoother. TVT is easy to use, and the customer support from Schlafender Hase is awesome!”
Päivikki Palm, Packaging Technology Manager, Orion
“TVT meets all our needs and more. Since implementing TVT along with the TVT Artwork module, we can be more confident of our results, and that means less stress for our proofreaders. We can also do the job faster – confident we won’t miss any mistakes.”
Martin Rous, Global Graphics Manager in Global Packaging, AstraZeneca
“TVT has cut the time it takes me to proofread by over 50%.It used to take me at least 3 days to review my projects, but now I can do the same amount of work in 1 day.”
Stavroula Asimakopoulou, Product Information Specialist, Pharmathen
“The deployment of TVT has really helped speed up our artwork review process. Catching deviations early in the process reduces the number of correction rounds needed. This makes the whole process faster and smoother. TVT is easy to use, and the customer support from Schlafender Hase is awesome!”
“TVT meets all our needs and more. Since implementing TVT along with the TVT Artwork module, we can be more confident of our results, and that means less stress for our proofreaders. We can also do the job faster – confident we won’t miss any mistakes.”
“TVT has cut the time it takes me to proofread by over 50%.It used to take me at least 3 days to review my projects, but now I can do the same amount of work in 1 day.”