TVT 11.0
Upgraded technology, new functionalities, and an enhanced user interface make TVT 11 the most powerful and user-friendly version yet.
Here is a glimpse at what you can expect from TVT 11:
Text comparison:
Supports ultra large documents & file sizes (high word counts & pages)
Faster file import and loading
Support for the latest QRD template versions (10.2 Human, 9.0 Veterinary)
Improved navigation control, particularly in multi-page documents
Expanded automatic compliance check for minimum font sizes
Improved annotation comparison functionalities
Upgraded Clone recognition
Custom checklist capability in the comparison view and Report
Style Transition processing performance significantly improved
Image comparison: The most significant changes to TVT 11 can be seen in the image comparison functionality:
Supports ultra large file sizes & large canvas sizes up to A0
Significant image deviation detection and display improvement, to catch even the subtlest of variations
Upgraded automatic image matching and mapping performance, in both accuracy (20% increase) and speed (15% increase)
Automatic identification of, and control over, identical image pairs to speed up your comparison and declutter your audit trail
Updates to TVT add-on Modules:
TVT Artwork - New features include overprint simulation and color difference comparison
TVT Spelling - New Finnish dictionary added. Updates to most of our existing dictionaries, as well as the most up-to-date Stedman's version.
TVT Barcode - Added new symbology, embedded hyperlinks now accessible and reporting on Laetus Code element dimensions now available.
Do you already have TVT? Request your free upgrade now:
See some new features and functionalities of TVT 11 in this 30-minute live webinar.
Session 1
Date: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Time: 11h00 (Frankfurt/CET)
Session 2
Date: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Time: 13h00 (New York/EST)
Do you already have TVT? Request your free upgrade now: