Top Pharma Companies Automate Proofreading
Top pharmaceutical companies prioritize patient safety, effective treatments, and regulatory compliance in the fast-paced and high-stakes pharmaceutical industry. Manual proofreading, though once a common practice, is no longer sufficient to meet these rigorous demands. That’s why leading pharmaceutical companies are turning to automated proofreading solutions like TVT (Text Verification Tool) to enhance their processes and mitigate risks.
In this article, we will explore ten compelling reasons why top pharma companies are embracing automated proofreading with TVT, revolutionizing their operations and safeguarding their success.
1 | PATIENT SAFETYProofreading mistakes risk patient health and lives. | |
2 | TREATMENTS MUST BE EFFECTIVEEnsuring patients are taking the medication properly through accurate information on leaflets and packaging. | |
3 | PHARMA COMPANIES MUST BE COMPLIANTConsistent quality control, repeatable processes and good documentation are important – and manual proofreading just can’t deliver these. | |
4 | MITIGATES RECALL RISKRecalls are expensive. There’s no excuse for risking one through a proofreading error. | |
5 | PROTECTS SHAREHOLDER VALUE AND MARKET SHAREA recall or patient safety issue damages the reputation of a company | |
6 | SPEEDS UP APPROVALS AND TIME TO MARKETTop pharma is “top” because it doesn’t get caught up in endless regulatory approval cycles. Its products are available earlier on the market in order to best serve patients. | |
7 | SAVINGS IN TIME AND COSTSExperts are expensive, and pharma proofreaders are experts in their fields. Time saved is dedicated to other projects and high value adding activities. | |
8 | TOP PHARMA COMPANIES OPTIMISE WORKFLOWSPharma is a complex business, and lots of information and approvals fly around. Top companies must have end-to-end workflows, without bottlenecks. TVT integrates with any information management system. | |
9 | PROOFREADERS SLEEP BETTERSuccessful companies take a tip from the “Sleeping Rabbit”. It’s all about automated proofreading adding the extra confidence that things are right. | |
10 | …IT’S COMMON SENSEWhy would a top company use clunky manual proofreading when it can streamline tasks and processes into automated proofreading? |